A fine of $ 500,000: Kanye West will suggest an intern for a photo in Instagram


The company Kanye West for the production of clothes Yeezy sues to his employee-internistry for violating the terms of the contract and laid out confidential personnel in Instagram from work that could not be published. Probably, the guy unveiled photos of the new Yeezy products in the social network, which has not yet been on sale. Now the West Company requires a violator of compensation for damages in half a million dollars.

It is known that the Intern, whose name Ryan Invards, previously signed a non-disclosure agreement with the company, which refers to a fine of 500 thousand dollars in case of violation. The agreement also contained the item on the dissemination of confidential information through social networks.

Representatives of Yeezy argue that Ryan posted several photos that are not intended for the public in Instagram, and did not agree to delete them even after several warning letters. For this reason, the company believes that the employee acted maliciously. Now, in addition to paying compensation, the West company wants to achieve a ban on publishing such images in the future and oblige an employee to remove all the income companies.

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