Only in one film on the "Terminator" there is no cult phrase "I'll Be BACK"


Since the "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991), which became a genuine classic of the genre, the "Terminator" franchise is in decline, since none of the subsequent films did not meet expectations. Not even a return to the draft James Cameron, who took an active part in the development of last year's "Terminator: Dark Fates". Perhaps the failure of this painting has become the last nail to the coffin "Terminator".

Only in one film on the

"Dark fates" became the sixth film from the series. In addition to Cameron as a scenario and producer, this part was also a trump card in the face of Linda Hamilton, who once played Sarah Connor. It was she who became the last who uttered the cult phrase "I'll Be Back", that is, "I will come back." In essence, this replica became a distinctive sign of the entire franchise, one way or another appearing in all parts, starting with the first, - exception is only "Terminator 3: Machine rebellion" (2003).

Only in one film on the

In the "rebel of cars" T-800, in the execution of Arnold Schuwarnagegger, it says adjacent phrases "I returned" and "it will return", but in the original version the famous phrase is still absent. From the mouth of Schwarzenegger "I'll Be Back" sounds in the first, second and fifth movies, while Christian Bale (John Connor) pronounces these words in Terminator: Savior will come. "

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