Kirsten Dunst accused Reuters in sexism due to unsuccessful tweet


In the new episode of the current show The Talk 37-year-old Kirsten Dunst accused Reuters news agency in sexism. On the official channel in Twitter, the agency has placed the news of the star, which Kirsten received Fame in Hollywood on the Alley.

Kirsten Dunst, the most famous man-spider friend, gets a star on the Alley of Glory in Hollywood,

- I said careless tweet.

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After raised hype, the tweet was removed. Dunst accused Reuters in sexism and ignorance.

I as if said: "Yes, it is rather modest,"

- noted the actress, the main merit of which someone from Reuters found the role of a second plan, making a man's male fellow travelers from Marvel comic.

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Meanwhile, the "track record" actresses more than 180 films, including Triirovskaya "Melancholy", a cult among lovers of romance "Eternal radiance of pure mind", the bright history of the queen with the tragic destiny of Maria-Antoinette.

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The audience remembers the magnificent game of the little Kirsten in the "interview with the Vampire" in the role of Claudia, the unstasive and not an adheated vampire girl, which has long developed the body in which she turned out to be sharpened for hundreds of years. Role Dunst has repeatedly noted awards, including the Golden Palm Branch of the Cannes Film Festival. So it is clear why the actress found the tweet of the informational agency sexist and offensive.

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