The twin cancer is not an assistant: 4 signs of the zodiac, on which it is impossible to rely on a difficult moment



The twin cancer is not an assistant: 4 signs of the zodiac, on which it is impossible to rely on a difficult moment 138622_1

Fish nature is too elusive and slippery so that they can be completely trusted. They do not trust themselves, as they often do not know what they want from life, too much regret themselves and tend to make a guilt on others. By making an immeasured act, which will lead to adverse consequences, will stop themselves until the latter, trying to assure those surrounding right.

At the same time, those who fish will try to be guilty instead of themselves may suffer. The guilty may be anyone: partner, friend, colleague. Fish love is also superficial and often have several novels at the same time.


The twin cancer is not an assistant: 4 signs of the zodiac, on which it is impossible to rely on a difficult moment 138622_2

This sign is not distinguished by faithfulness in any sense - the people born under the sign of the twins are too windy and unstable. They are able to promise a lot and enthusiastically to support your ideas: the language of this sign is their weapons - but as soon as it comes to actions, twins and the trail has bothered. The impermanence concerns and love relationships. As soon as the twins understand that they have achieved a response, their dust immediately goes out, and they go in search of a new partner.


The twin cancer is not an assistant: 4 signs of the zodiac, on which it is impossible to rely on a difficult moment 138622_3

Very targeted nature and real perfectionist in everything, Virgo is capable of much on the way to success. In any situation, this sign will strive to expose yourself in the best light, deliberately silent about his misses. Virgin, as a rule, do not hurry to help others, and if they help, it means that Virgo here has hidden motives. Do something voluntarily and free not in the rules of this sign.

In love, Virgo is incredibly jealous, the idea itself is that someone else will prefer, "better", for her unbearable.


The twin cancer is not an assistant: 4 signs of the zodiac, on which it is impossible to rely on a difficult moment 138622_4

Scales are incredibly selfish and vain, can easily manipulate others for the sake of achieving their goals. Born under this sign love to receive more, rather than give, and this applies to everything. Therefore, help from them does not have to wait. In addition, the scales are unnecessarily bolties and can almost unintentionally give someone else's mystery. Can betray if it promises the benefits directly for them. In love, scales do not adhere to strict moral principles, can easily change the partner.

However, they will be extremely vulnerable if they change it.

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