Keith Harington tied with alcohol before getting into a rehabilitation clinic


At the end of May, all the fans of the Games of Thrones were shocked by the news that the performer of the role of John Snow took the treatment from depression and alcoholism. The representative of Harington concretely noted that the Whale would "deal with personal problems", and insiders hurried to tell that one of his problems is addiction. However, now another source operating on the Saturday Night Live program shared with his opinion.

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According to him, on the set of Show Harington addicted to non-alcoholic beer. "It was a very long week with endless rehearsals and filming, which could be delayed up to three in the morning. We noticed that the whale was not triggered to alcoholic beverages and did not drink anything even on Aftepati, "the source told. He also added that the actor "was one of the best leading SNLs, what were the transfer."

We will remind, according to Western media reports, Keith Harington is located in the Privé-Swiss health center in Connecticut for more than a month. There he passes therapy and gets psychological assistance. Not so long ago, Paparazzi found the actor on a walk, and, judging by the photo, he pays 120 thousand dollars for treatment is not in vain.

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