Emilia Clark told how embarrassing was to shoot a sex scene with Keith Harington because of her brother operator


The final season of the Games of Thrones is coming to an end, so 32-year-old Emilia Clark could not avoid the questions about the show. The actress said that the flights on the dragon were given by her colleague Whale Harington rather painfully, because it turned out that a man sit on the "Dragon" more difficult than a woman. Nevertheless, according to Emilia, the on-screen John Snow kept self-confidently. "He was a little arrogant at first, but then looked upset," Emilia laughed.

Emilia Clark told how embarrassing was to shoot a sex scene with Keith Harington because of her brother operator 138674_1

Emilia Clark told how embarrassing was to shoot a sex scene with Keith Harington because of her brother operator 138674_2

The presenter mentioned that the brother actresses is also involved in the creation of the "Game of Thrones" and works with it on the same site. "Yes, he works in the operator group, and it's great! This is really very nice. But everything becomes more difficult when you have to shoot love scenes, "the actress admitted. Jimmy asked who of them was confused at the end of the seventh season, for which Clark confidently stated: "Definitely he." But the other family members and friends of the stars, according to her, are not particularly interested in the show. "My mother is watching only passages from my heroine, and friends are not at all watching the game of the throne. They say: "Oh, yes, you are moving out with Iguanami," said Emilia.

Emilia Clark told how embarrassing was to shoot a sex scene with Keith Harington because of her brother operator 138674_3

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