"500 thousand dollars": Egor Crea fees are declassified at closed parties


Forbes magazine again puzzled at how much the stars of the domestic show business earn, and made up their rating, in the first place of which the rock musician was Sergey Shnurov. It turned out that in just one year the singer receives 8.8 million dollars. Only a little from the leader of the list lags behind the young artist Egor Cred, who while only 6.9 million dollars collects. Troika closed Dima Bilan, its fees are $ 6.8 million.

? С Днюхой , сынок! @egorkreed ?

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The news of the income of the stars did not disregard the producer Joseph Prigogin, who told how the crid was enriched. He believes that the performer is now at the peak of popularity, they are often quite interested in wealthy people.

"He had suggestions with serious fees for closed parties - 250-500 thousand dollars," Vigozhin shared.

He reported that the income of Egor allows him to choose customers, in some cases refusing to work even for a decent remuneration.

"Egor works actively, presents musical innovations. It is present on many modern platforms, in the same "Twitche". His children know, youth knows, "the musician Joseph Igorevich has recommended during an interview with Evening Moscow.

Despite the fact that the producer willingly spoke about the income of Crea, he noticed that in the current situation when the concert activity was "frozen", consider the gorers of the stars not quite decently.

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