Gwyneth Paltrow: My family never prepares for me


On this occasion, and also to honor his late Father Bruce Paltrow, the actress arranged a party to which he invited his closest friends, among which Cameron Diaz, Marta Stewart, Jay-Z, Fitness Guru Tracy Anderson, Star Cook Mario Batali, and Also Christie Terlington with her husband. A total of about 60 guests, including her husband Chris Martin and the mother Blytte Denner.

Moreover, in the apartment at West Williage with a stunning view of the center of Manhattan, the actress controlled the entire process, ranging from the preparation of salads at the beginning of the evening, ending with the table serving.

"All who communicate with it, know that she is a stunning cook," says Christie Terlington. "There are not so many dishes that she will not be able to do, and I think that she is so in everything, for which it takes."

However, despite the fact that Gwyneth constantly pools his seven delicious dishes, they do not hurt to respond to her: "No. No one was preparing, - says the actress. - Even a bowl with flakes. "

But everything was different when she was a child. Her father Bruce Paltrow spent a lot of time in the kitchen, prepare stunning dishes for his family, and handed over this ability to her daughter.

"I am delighted with what she is so stunning everything that she does," says Mother Gwyneth Blytn Denner. "I mean, in my opinion, this incredible spirit has always been in her, thanks to which she achieved success in everything. There is a lot from her father. Therefore, it is logical to call the culinary book "My Father's daughter".

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