Mom Katy Perry will tell all the truth about his daughter


Mary Hudson Perry, who serves as pastor in the Christian Church, is now negotiating with publishers about the publication of a book, in which she will tell about some moments in Katy Perry's career, as well as how the glory of his daughter influenced her. The book will also describe how the popularity of Katie influenced the policy of Christianity in their family.

Newspaper New York POST writes: "These memoirs are her story written by her the same. Mary and Keith Hudson were Christian evangelists long before the world found out about Katy Perry. Among negative messages and gossip from magazines and entertainment show Mary Hudson wants to tell his story and dispel many rumors. Katie's success strongly influenced spirituality with a positive and negative point of view. She loves her daughter and is very proud of her achievements, but disagree with many Acts of Katie, which she does during his career. "

Katie itself, who has a stamp on the wrist with the name "Jesus" until it refrains from commenting.

Earlier, Mary Hudson confessed that she was very ashamed that her daughter "promotes sinfulness." Regarding the song Katie "I Kissed A Girl" she said: "I hate this song. It is clearly traced in homosexuality, and it's embarrassing about it and disgust. Katie knows what I feel. Frank conversations are appreciated in our family, and she knows how disappointed with her father. I can't even listen to this song. When I first heard her, I experienced shock. When she plays on the radio, I bow my head and pray. "

According to Mary Hudson, her daughter, who was created in order to sing in the church choir, got off the way thanks to the show business: "Katie is our daughter, and we love her, but we extremely disagree with how it behaves now. We cannot refuse her, because she is our child, but she knows that we extremely disagree with what it does, as well as the message regarding homosexuality, which the Bible calls Sin. However, the Bible also calls for understanding and forgiveness, which I constantly remind you of myself. "

Katy Perry itself was previously recognized that it was not so often seen with his parents: "I stopped attempts to change them when I was 21 years old."

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