Revelations Lady Gaga On Addiction to Drugs


"I asked if she had any traumatic experience when she was younger and she replied affirmatively. It happened when it was in New York, and it was so scary that she just deeply hid it in himself, "says Neil. - She also said that it was so terrible that she did not want to score with thoughts about this head of their young fans. I think she understood that if she had opened it in themselves, it limited her and everyone would consider it to ask about it. "

In the book Strauss, a 24-year-old singer says: "I had no bad childhood. All I experienced was part of my experience in the framework of art travel, as was in Warhol, Bowie and Mika. I am the reason for all your injuries. Or they were caused by people I met when there was a shroud and irresponsible. "

Lady Gaga admitted that the addiction to drugs in his youth still pursues her: "Sometimes it drives me crazy, or, one can say, leads to a stupor when I think about how I am lying in my apartment (in New York) Among the bedbugs in the bed and cockroaches run by the floor, and everywhere there is a mirror with cocaine, and I don't want to do anything other than music and getting a buzz. I had such problems with drugs, but people do not believe me. "

"She was a young singer from New York with all these parties and ideas. Of course, she used Cocaine, "says Nile Strauss. - I think there is a difference in consulating cocaine at parties or buy it yourself. Who knows what it would be if she bought him herself or used more, however, she was able to stop, without resorting to the help of a rehabilitation center or treatment. "

The author also believes that her crazy costumes help her to preserve her personal life from Paparazzi: "I never asked her about clothes, they simply distract attention from the very personality. She wants to be untouchable, unattainable, unearthly ... Her main motivation: "I'm going to be your modern goddess."

In his book, Strauss pulls out the details of Madonna's personal life, Snup Dog, Ozzy Osborne, Tom Cruise, Zak Efron, Prince and Britney Spears.

Book for sale from March 15 on Amazon.

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