Media: The Creators of the "Witcher" with Henry Caville work over the second season


The second season, they say, will enter the screens closer to 2021. About the cast is still reliably nothing. One can say with a confidence of 99.99% - Henry Cavill will remain heralelt.

The new part, like the first, will be removed by the novel by Angeya Sapkovsky. Employed Geralt from Rivia will still rush to help disadvantaged. He will be a shoulder for everyone who turns to him. At the same time, the hero will try to build personal happiness and, as it should be severe and lonely, to reflecting infinitely.

The TV series "Witcher" became a logical continuation of the adaptation of Fantasy Angea Sapkovsky. The story of a fighter with evil spirits was already interpreted in comics, computer games and even rock opera. The action of the saga takes place in the fictional world. Landscapes resemble Eastern Europe. For the filming of the first season, for example, producers chose Hungary. Time is the Middle Ages. The magic and mysterious creatures and monsters live side by side with people.

Media: The Creators of the

Despite the fact that Netflix has already presented the first frames and the trailer of the upcoming series, the exact release date of the show remains unknown. It was originally assumed that the Stream-Service prepares the audience a Christmas gift and will release the "Witcher" in December of this year. However, now the premiere of the series can be waited already in Kotya-November.

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