Hugh Grant complained about the age: "I am too old, ugly and fat"


Together with a round table Grant gathered the star "Games of the Thrones" Richard Madden, the star "Zongoy-one" of the Diego Moon, Oscar-Summer Sam Rockwell and others. Hugh is the only of the actors who during the years of acting career earned himself an amplua hero of romantic comedies. However, it remained in the past, since the actor is tired of Romomomov. "I am too old, ugly and fat to continue to shoot them. Now I am engaged in other things and hate myself, "the grant told.

Hugh Grant complained about the age:

He hurried to note that he had never had any problems in order to receive a "bunch of money" for his work. "I was very lucky. I am not ashamed for most romantic comedies in which I starred. In my career there were one or two frankly bad movies, but the rest of the people like. I believe that our task is to entertain. After the film "Four Weddings and Some Funeral" I should have taken more interesting offers, try yourself in different things, but instead I repeated my image of 17 times in a row, "the actor concluded.

Hugh Grant complained about the age:

Hugh Grant complained about the age:

With wife Anna Eberstein

In the account of Hugh Grant, such hits like "Bridget Jones Diary", "Notting Hill", "Mind and feelings" and others.

Hugh Grant complained about the age:

Diary Bridget Jones

Hugh Grant complained about the age:

Four weddings and alone funeral

Hugh Grant complained about the age:

Notting Hill

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