Terry Richardson accused of harassment


The other day, Reddit published an anonymous letter from the girl who posted Terry Richardson. It said that during operation, the photographer sexually challenged the model in front of his assistant. A little later, Anonymous decided to get out of the shadows: they were the model Charlotte Waters. "In the article everything was blurry and looked in an empty hearing," explains the girl. "So I decided to say that I really experienced it. It's not just gossip!" Waters declares that during a photo shoot with Richardson he tried her, licked and performed other unacceptable actions, while his assistant did notice that he would not notice anything strange in his behavior. The model explained that he posed nude and in front of other photographers, but this experience was very much over the verge of permissible. Charlotte's police will consider it meaningless because she did not show the obvious resistance to Richardson's actions, and now she wants to show his true face to the world. The trendy photographer and the friend of Jared Summer and Lady Gaga still did not comment on these shocking charges. We just have to follow the development of events.

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