Miley Cyrus told about Taylor Momsen


Do you think that you and Taylor Momsen have something in common?

"The only thing that we have in common is love for music, singing and acting."

Why, in your opinion, the press went by Taylor and switched to you?

"Because my fans are younger in age than her, but people seem to forget the fact that she herself is younger than me. The fact that I worked on the channel disney does not mean that I remained a child, unlike Taylor. She seventeen years. For her, too, teenagers are watching. "

Would you like to Taylor to be the same attention as to you?

"No, I don't want it. I am only a pity that people condemn others from the position of their subitivity, but I understand that it will not change."

What do you say to those who say: "Well, Miley is more advertised than Taylor, it is more recognizable"?

"I would like to say that this is not only advertising. There are so many people who do not think about popularity. I, for example, think about the life of my dreams."

About future:

"I have a role in another film with the work name" Wings "in which I will be filmed after the film" I am like a mystery. "I also hope to spend the tour this year and release more songs. This year is very significant for me." .

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