Ryan Reynold confirmed the development of Dadpool 3


Ryan Reynolds has long wanted to present his project in this country, therefore canceled the planned surgery on the damaged hand to go to the Middle Kingdom and personally to communicate with Chinese fans. Previous two films about Wade Wilson were not approved by Chinese censors, so the premiere of "Deadpool" with the PG-13 rating could not miss. In China, the experimental version of Kinokomix was named Deadpool 2: I Love My Family, which is a reference to the local popular Sitkom of the 90s. Reynolds rated the nickname given his character by Chinese fans, which Fox employees were transferred as Little Bitchy Bitch. "It seems to me that my wife call me the first way, but I will assure authorship to you. In fact, the third film you need to name Deadpool 3: Little Bitchy Bitch, "Ryan joked.

At the same time, he told fans that his team is already working on the continuation of the filmmix. According to the actor, "Deadpool 3" will differ from the previous parts and will go to the "completely different direction". What changes will make creators and when to expect the film to the premiere, while it remains unknown.

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