What stars do not believe that marriages are to heaven


Kurt Rastell and Goldie Houne Together now for 27 years, they are happy in their union, which has not officially registered. Goldi Houne: "Every day I wake up, knowing that each of us can get out of the game at any time, because no papers do not associate us. This awareness is very stimulating the relationship. My previous two marriages proved to me that it's not a stamp, And in relation to him as an excessive confidence in the future. "

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Oprah Winfrey and Stadman Graham. Together 26 years old and still not married. Every time, when one of the most influential women of the American show business was asked why they would not register an official marriage, she replies: "In my opinion, the importance of a wedding, like the very institution of marriage, exaggerated."

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Despite the fact that in recent months we had rumors that Vanessa paradise and Johnny Depp They broke up, the couple was together for 14 years. Even the birth of two children did not make them go under the crown.

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Brad Pitt was married, Angelina Jolie It was married twice, but with each other these two are not in a hurry to draw up a relationship, although together for 7 years and have 6 children who, according to their recognition, growing, are increasingly interested in why Mom and Pope are not married.

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Actors Dian Kruger and Joshua Jackson Happy for 6 years, but, according to the German actress, she was married, but was disappointed in marriage, as at the institute, and believes that they are happy with Joshua while happy, and no papers will make them be together if the time it comes to part.

Recall the couple and three of the most famous Hollywood bachelors, which, according to their own recognition, no one will never be able to drag under the crown.

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Hollywood beauty Charlize Theron I never hid that I don't want to marry: "I even as a little girl did not dream about a white dress and a wedding celebration as other girls."

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Over the years Eva Mendes. I did not change my principles and still in the interview says that marriage is not for it: "Husband and wife - it even sounds unhappy!"

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Cameron Diaz : "I adore men most of all in his life. They give such energy!". At the same time, Cameron against the Institute of Marriage: "I see no sense to observe the ancient traditions and dream of running under the crown in a white dress, as soon as you feel in the stomach! The institution of marriage has long outlived itself and he has no place in the modern world."

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Jim carrey He was married twice, and past marriage, according to his own confessions, beat off his every desire to once again to lead a woman under the crown: "I was already married twice and decided that I was enough. Seriously!" By the way, Jim has an adult daughter Jane, who managed to get married, give birth to the Son of Jackson and divorce; So Jim Carry for 2 years as a grandfather.

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George Clooney Enjoying his bachelor life. He never hid that he was married for his youth and that it would not repeat it simply because he did not see sense in marriage, nor in the family as in such: "I have enough time to stay in a visit to Pitt to start building a shoot plan From this crazy at home! At such moments again and again thank you for the fact that the bachelor is that you have a measured and quiet life, that in your house every thing has our place, which I defined myself, and that there are no children from which in the house noise, mess, anxiety! ".

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Ryan Reynolds. He was married and no longer wants: "I do not intend to go through it again. I can not imagine me to get married again." How does Scarlett Jochhanson beat off the hunt from the former spouse again in love before the coffin?!

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