Who will be the sexiest man?


Beautiful appearance can contribute to a sharp career start. True, Johnny Deppa was more difficult than Robert Pattinson. The star of "Twilight Saga" should be in the footsteps of Depp, wisely balancing between huge cash collecting and interesting roles.

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Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds inspired by the images of superheroes and filmed together in the film "X-Men: Beginning. Wolverine". After that, Jackman decided to play in Sicvel, and Reynolds, having fascinated by more romantic films, which significantly increases his chances.

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Matt Damon and Leonardo Dicaprio filmed together in the "apostate." But at a time, Matt depends on the character of Jason Born, Leo has already managed to play in such breathless films as the "bloody diamond", "Island of the damned" and "beginning".

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Like George Clooney, John Hamm learned the taste of glory already in adulthood. That's just 39-year-old Hammu, unlike Clooney, and more often began to offer interesting and profitable roles.

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In the past 15 years, Matthew McConachi has repeatedly demonstrated its naked torso and entered a variety of top lists of the most skidy men. But recently, Kellan Lats began to come on his heels, which, quite likely, will soon leave behind the famous surfist.

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Juda Low is constantly called the "most charming man," but whether he can keep this status with the advent of his slightly younger countryman Hugh Dancy, whose career is currently gaining momentum.

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According to Jennifer Garner, her husband Ben Affleck is a wonderful husband and the best father. Who else boasts such characteristics?! Meet: Jake Gillanhol! As Portman said about him: "Children and dogs love him. He loves his mother, sister and girl. He is perfect".

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Disputes about what James Bond is better not to subscribe so far. Pierce Brosnan gave a lot of time and strength to this hero, but the times change, and at least Daniel Craig entered into his place for more younger generation.

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Blonde, blue-eyed Brad Pitt broke in his time not one female heart with the help of his seductive shepherd eyes and an innocent smile. But family life and years began to take a lot of time and opportunities, and now he has a replacement. Chris Pine adequately copes with the role of the heart.

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Naughty shine in the eyes always fascinated the female population of the Earth. Not one woman tried to solve the thoughts and intentions of Richard Gira, when he saw his surreatible look. Now with the advent of Josh Brolin, women will have doubly harder.

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Harrison Ford and Liam Nison - these two guys know how to arrange women to themselves. Outdoor good glance and disarming smile - what could be better?! Catherine Bigelou did not lose when they shot them both in his film "K-19" about the heroism of Russian sailors.

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Patrick Sayzie enjoyed rabid popularity after the release of the film "Dirty Dancing". Twenty years later, Channing Tatum played a similar role in the film "Step Forward" and became the idols of young girls.

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Taylor Lautner may well possibly repeat the career of Tom Cruise. "I consider Tom Cruise as your real hero, and I would like to build my career as well as he, removing in dramas, action and comedies." Well, the beginning should be: he is not deprived of appearance and female love. Good luck, Taylor!

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Sean Connery, no matter how spoken, still the only and most beloved James Bond. It seems that these two names merged in one person and no longer clear how they really call this man. And naturally, that in Scotland, in the homeland of the actor, everyone is confident that the superagent was born from them. Now the Scots can be proud of the second superhero - Gerard Butler, who is only worth asking a question: "Have you watched" 300 Spartans? " And everything will fall into place.

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John Kennedy Jr. was always famous for his excellent style and intriguing personal life. It is thanks to this "Son of America" ​​fell into this list, although he did not have acting talents. Despite the fact that it is no longer alive, he can be seized with Prince William "Son of England", which is now considered one of the most enviable British bachelors.

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Harry Hamlin and Stephen Moyer are similar not only due to the volume chapel and a smell on the chin. The roles they choose too serious. But the age is different, which is a plus for Moi Man, who has not yet had time, in a distickness of Hamlin, get the title of the sexiest man.

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Mark Harmon told somehow that after filming in the series "Saint Elsver" women came to him and asked to see their breasts. Now the times have changed, Harmon no longer play Dr. Gai in the past series, and with his task, Patrick Dempsey in the "Passion Anatomy" is perfect.

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The winner of the title "The sexiest man" of 1985 Mel Gibson waved his hand to the tops for a long time. It is a pity, because we already missed the chalk as he was before - cute, charming and damn sexy. We hope that the novice actor Ryan Konten can replace it.

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