Jessica Bil in the magazine W. April 2012


About how she started her acting career : "When I was 11, I took part in the competition, whose sponsor was the International Association of Model Business and Talents. You paid a certain amount of money, and they taught you to walk on the podium, read comedy and dramatic monologues, dance and sing. My outfit for the podium consisted of a solid swimsuit, cylinder and butterfly tie. The competition was held in Los Angeles, and after him I had a manager and agent. I went to billions of samples and after three years I received a role in the show "Seventh Sky". "

About whether she was a rebar in adolescence : "I very briefly cut the hair and painted in a blonde. I had to apologize for this before Aaran Spelling [Producer]. He was not too happy. And when I was 17 or 18, one unsteady friend sent a stripterator to the set. For this, I also had to apologize. The show was about family values ​​and very defended this position. I constantly apologized for something. "

About how it was to fight with Kate Bekinsail in the film "Remember everything": "Fun, very fun! The scene of our fight was not frankly sexual. Just two trained fighters, which, so it happened, turned out to be women, chuck each other. It could be two guys, but it just happened that we had long hair, chest and ... more. "

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