The ex-soloist "Nepar" explained the conflict with the partner: "Glows in jaundice"


The other day, the ex-soloist of the famous Nepara group, Alexander Show, gave the video interview to, in which he told about why their favorite duet with Victoria Talyshinsky still collapsed.

By the way, "nepara", formed in 2002, ceased to exist more than once. For the first time this happened in 2012, and then repeated in 2019 - already finally. According to the Scheduge, he saw his partner had lost their past interest in his work. Then the musician took two vocalists in his team, who "sore eyes" and was the enthusiasm that he had not seen from Victoria for a long time.

The main reason for the breaking of their business relationships with Talyshina Alexander commented as follows: "You live life, and your partner is all the time goes somewhere, all the time glows in some jaundice, does not make much of what you do. Does not participate in some rehearsals, in the process of creating something. Not because it can not, but simply does not want. "

It should be noted that at the beginning of 2020 the show has bought the rights to the group's brand, as well as on its repertoire. Among the most popular compositions "Nepar" can be called such as "crying and see", "they are familiar for a long time" and "other family."

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