Like a boy: Mark Ruffalo wife shared a rare photo of his daughter


Spouse Mark Ruffalo, French actress Sunrise Koigni, congratulated their daughter Bella with the 16th anniversary. Star mother published a touching daughter's touch in Instagram account dedicated to home decor. "Constantly tremble and surprise you. You are the power of nature, my love. Happy Birthday, Bell Night, "- wrote Koini. To the publication, she attached some photos of the girl.

In the comments, the subscribers congratulated Bella. Some of them were surprised how much the daughter of the actors looks like a boy. "Wow! She already grew up so much! "," I thought it was a boy. Congratulations on the holiday! "," Oh, how cute, she reminds me of a little girl from the paintings by Mary Engelbright, "the users wrote. Many people did not believe that the daughters of the famous actor were already 16.

Koyny and Ruffalo in marriage since 2000. In addition to Bella, spouses have more children - 19-year-old Kean and 13-year-old Odett. In one of the interviews, Mark admitted that he was not always easy to combine his career with the life of a father's three children. "It is very intense. Times, when my wife left somewhere, and I had to take care of everything ... the wash alone is enough to destroy you, "the star" Avengers "explained. He thanked his spouse for wonderful education of children.

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