"It was very meaningful": Paris Hilton remembered the humiliating interview with Letterman


After the release of the documentary film about Britney Spears, the public began to pay attention to how journalists and TV hosts affect the formation of the image of celebrities. Users discuss how tactlessness and curiosity of the first reflected on the reputation of the latter. Now special attention is paid to archival interviews David Letterman, who managed to offend Drugs on Drugs Lindsay Lohan and discourage Jennifer Aniston, literally at the mouth of a strand of her hair.

Now the list of "Victims" Letterman supplemented Paris Hilton, who spoke about the 2007 interview, during which David asked her about his stay in prison, where she stayed 23 days for driving without the right and violation of the trial period (before that, Paris was given three years Conditionally drunk).

In the podkaster this is paris, Hilton noted that his short responses and gaze gave Letterman to understand that he was not glad of his questions, but it did not help. A few months later, the interview with Paris had a new fragrance, and Letterman's team contacted her again.

"My guys agreed with him that we will talk only about my spirits and will not affect the topic [about prison] at all. But during the ether, he still continued to silence, as if she was delightful to humiliate me. During the interruptions for advertising, I asked him: "Please, enough, you promised." It was very inflounted and cruel. After the show, I told him: "I will never come to you again, you moved all the borders", "Paris complained.

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