Dozen celebrities-losers and scandalists


10. Lily Allen. . She is already like a girlfriend, we saw her topless, drunk and near Narcota. Everyone remembers her scandal with Elton John. Lily has great potential to take in 2009 in our ranking first place.

09. Heather Lokler . This actress can be said to one "car control under the influence of alcohol". We add to this constant depression and a month in the clinic.

08. Pamela Anderson . I got married again and divorced again. Lover leaving home without pants.

07. Janet Jackson . She makes a big profit with clinics, it is she who first in the list of amateurs to cancel concerts. She was pregnant every month this year.

06. Kate Moss . She is Kate Moss.

05. Michael Jackson . Pajamas, moving, bankruptcy, masks and litigation. Yes, this year is not Michael.

04. Britney Spears. . It is now Britney again in the rays of glory, and at the beginning of the year the loss of guardianship over their own children, clinic and hysteria.

03. Tara Reed. One word is alcoholic 2008.

02. Lindsay Lohan. This girl has already been spent in this ranking. Our permanent newsmaker. This year, she suddenly became a lesbian. Also distinguished by special love of alcohol.

01. Amy Weinhaus . Decently ranked first. Between overdose, rehabilitation and arrests and has time to perform at concerts, but will soon do it in simple Mass Market things, as designers refused to supply her clothes for free.

And do not say that this year is such a leap. Pension only on yourself.

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