Caris Wang Howen about Brane Stark on the throne: "Any fool can become president"


According to the actress, the final turned out to be very stupid, but this stupidity and reflects the absurdity of real life.

Life as it is - any fool can become president,

- said Wang Huaten in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. And yet, it seems, it seems to be unfair to compare Brana with a fool, if you consider how much useful knowledge I was presented by the children of the forest.

Caris Wang Howen about Brane Stark on the throne:

However, the viewpoint of the Dutch star is close to most fans of the series. They have repeatedly called Brana boring and absolutely not deserving iron throne, unlike their warlike sisters. However, the TV show screenwriters were played for Aria and Sansua no less interesting destinies - the youngest went to the West to explore the unknown lands, and the eldest became the queen of the North.

Публикация от Sophie Turner (@sophiet)

Recall that the other day Keith Harington admitted that he still had not seen the last season of the Games of Thrones. Apparently, it should be done by all the actors who played in the series so that in vain do not be upset.

Caris Wang Howen about Brane Stark on the throne:

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