"Persistent fans": the creator of "stay alive" commented on the scandal around the finals of the Games of Thrones


When Lindelofofa was asked what he thinks about the drama unfolded around the sensational eighth season "Games of the Thrones", the producer was very unequivocal in his answer. He explained that you can assign any expectations on your favorite TV series and write petitions if these expectations were not justified. However, usually do not do the fans, but "the fans".

The producer told that he was also repeatedly accused of "not very" the final "Lost". According to Lindelofo, the fans of his series were assumed to see what came up with themselves, but at the same time they wanted to surprise them. And it is sometimes difficult to catch this thin face of expectations and reality.

Recall that the last season of the series "Games of Thrones" ended last spring. His finale called a storm of emotions, and not always positive: more than a million fans signed a petition with a request to replace the entire season. Most of the audience outraged the incompetence of the scenarios and the illogy of the main event - the final series of the season.

The program director of HBO Casey Blumas, commenting on the petition, noted that many people have their own vision of how the final should be, and even such petitions are not bad, because the fans show their enthusiasm and interest in what is happening. However, no one seriously considers such actions, according to Bibloma.

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