Showranner "Games of Thrones" called the favorite scene of the final season


In an interview with Star Channel, the scripts recognized their favorite stage the moment of dedication to Brianna Tart in the "Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" series.

Brianna has always been one of our favorite characters. The moment of her dedication to the knights Jamie Lannister is just awesome. What is only worth the face of Gwendolin Christie. I revised this scene, perhaps, 400 times, and never she left me indifferent. I even slandered a little, so I love this moment,

- admitted Benioff.

Funny, but wrote this episode Brian Cogman, and put David Natter. For the cogman, the Knight of the Seven Kingdoms was the eleventh in the account of the series created by him for the "Game of Thrones". In an interview, the screenwriter noted that he wanted to pay tribute to Baryna.

We wanted to surprise the public. It was not a high-pass ceremony on a rock during sunset, and even the heroes in that room at first accepted everything for a joke. However, they quickly understood that everything was serious that the monumental moment was happening, full of grace and beauty in the middle of a nightmare. The name of the series refers to the audience both to Bryna and Jamie,

- told Cogman.


For Gvedolin's Gwendoline, this scene is also the most beloved:

For us, both it was very emotionally, to get what she dreamed about, - recognition.

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