George Martin "Test Mixed Feelings" due to the completion of the "Game of Thrones"


"It was an incredible journey," said the author in an interview with ENTERTIAINMENT WEEKLY. - Obviously, I would like to finish the books rather that the series will not overtake me. I never expected what happens like this. "

As perfectly know the fans of the "Games of the Thrones", a 70-year-old writer has not been able to finish a new work for a very long time - now George Martin has writes and cannot finish the sixth book "Song of Ice and Flame" cycle, "wind wind". Periodically, the writer promises that it is about to finish the novel and orienses fans by the date of the book's release, but so far the readers of this did not wait.

The current "paper" version of the events "Games of Thrones" ended, thus, in 2011 on Cliffhenger - the murder of John Snow. In the series, this was shown in the final of the 5th season in 2015, after which the Showrangers had to independently develop the story on, while Martin remained adding the "Winter Wind".

Since then, it remains incomprehensible, as close as the story of the "Games of the Thrones", which we are shown on the air of the HBO channel, corresponds to the books of Martin, which are not written so far. Of course, a few years ago, the writer told the Showranners of the Games of the Thrones of his vision of the plot and how everything should end - however, it is not known how close the creators of the series follow this vision.

While the fans of the Games of Thrones are preparing forever to say goodbye to those who loved the characters in April, George Martin is not particularly upset: "For many, this is the end," he says, "but this is not the end for me. I am still very deep in that world. I hope I will live for a very long time, because I still have a lot of work. "

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