Keith Harington promises that 8 season "Games of Thrones" "destroy the borders"


The premiere of the season "Games of the Thrones" will take place in April, and it is not long to wait. However, China Harington, he said, is not enough patience to present new episodes to fans. "I'm so glad that the audience will see them. I think this time everything will be extraordinary. I hope the series will again be able to change television, as was originally, and destroy the borders. I think he will succeed, "the actor shared his expectations.

Of course, Harington was asked if he was pleased with the final of the Grand Shaw. "You know, it's like a good book. When you finish it, you do not have fun from the fact that the story came to an end, right? The sad feeling remains from the fact that everything is over, here and after nine years of work on this show. Regardless of how the series will end, someone will always be sad for goodbye. Maybe I'm not happy, but very pleased with the final result, "Keith told.

Morally prepare for farewell to the favorite characters, viewers will be able to start from April 15, 2019.

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