Mountain from "Games of Thrones" married the waitress


About the relationship of Haftor Bjernson with Kelsey Henson fans learned in December 2017. They met in the Canadian Bar, where the girl worked as a waitress. Henson asked the autograph near the mountain, and since then they are inseparable. The couple travels around the world, lay out joint photos and does not pay attention to the acute Internet users. The fact is that the growth of Björnson is 206 cm, while Henson hardly reaches 160 cm. Together they really look like a mountain and an inch. Some fans consider such a difference in the growth of indecent, others only lose themselves in love.

Last weekend, the newly-made spouses informed the public about the wedding and laid out black and white pictures on their pages in Instagram. Haftor called the honor to call Kelsey Henson his wife and promised to defend her all his life from any adversity. Kelsey in response admitted to her husband in love and stressed that she was "incredibly happy to go through his wonderful way with this huge guy."

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