Mom Britney Spears told about his experiences


Her mother, 53-year-old Lynn Spears, as we have already told, wrote a book about his star daughter. In addition to the truth about Britney's childhood, Lynn wrote about her feelings when her daughter was crying and requested her daughter about her help, about her attempts to remove Britney of the so-called Sam Lutfi manager. Lynn said that in the February night of 2007, when Britney shaved his head, she knew that Britney suffers, but when it happened, she was shocked and did not know what to do, it was a signal for her.

"I began to call her, at least someone who could be with her or knew her. I've deficacked. In the depths of the soul, I knew that this way Britney was trying to change something in his life, she tried to free themselves. When Britney locked from the police in his house along with her son and tried to cut the veins, I was paralyzed, I repeated as a prayer "God, for what I mean? God, for what I mean? ".

About the manager Lynn Spears writes: "He burst into the life of Britney, when she was the most raw, and felt that he could manage it. We were afraid of him. He tried to make me believe that he helps us, but in fact, he quarreled us. Somehow I called Britney, but he said that she could not and does not want to talk to me. After she herself called me and she asked with reproach, why I can't call her. "

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