Kristen Stewart infected with coronavirus on the set of "the most happy season"


The star of the Vampire Saga Kristen Stewart was among the stars that transferred a coronavirus infection. Information shared on the eve of the actress Obry Plaza.

As it turned out, Kristen was infected with coronavirus during the filming of the film "The Highest Season", which plays one of the main roles. Thus, the 36-year-old Obli Plaza, who also took part in the tape, talked about this fact in an interview with Stephen Kohlbera. The girl said that Stewart got sick in the midst of the shooting process in Pittsburgh. "COVID was on our shooting platform, Kristen fell ill. Well, we did not know, "the plaza noted.

Also, the actress clarified that then, in early February, many did not attach the importance of this disease. Then it did not scare down people and did not reach such a scale as now. Obry Plaza told that at that time people laughed at the virus: no one understood how serious it was. "I think a bunch of people on our shooting platform fell ill. Thank God, it did not happen to me, "the actress clarified.

It is worth noting that Kristen Stewart has not yet responded in any way and did not comment on this information.

Recall that the new infection did not spare many celebrities. So, earlier the network appeared information that Robert Pattinson, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, as well as singer Pink and Rita Wilson, appeared on the network.

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