"Folded by Romka sincere": the first reviews on the "happiest season"


Before the holidays, more than more than a month, but Christmas films are slowly appearing in foreign boxes. One of them became the "happiest season", where Kristen Stewart's heroine, together with his beloved performed by Mackenzie Davis goes to a difficult family meeting.

Many critics shared their reviews for the romantic tape, and their feedback suggest that the director Clee Duvilla managed to create something very soulful. For example, by the author of the Cinemablend portal stated that even on the screen, a very life story unfolds, there are a lot of moments, "to laugh out loud."

"The difficulties that arise in the" happiest season "are at the same time refreshingly modern and traditional in their charm," the critic added.

At the same time, the author from What To Watch challenges the actors of the tape, saying "that they gave all the power to the material worthy of their talents."

"Considering that Kristen Stewart and Mackenzie Davis are surrounded by colleagues as Victor Garber, Mary Stinbergen, Dan Levi, Alison Brie and Obrey Plaza, this is exactly the composition with which there is no chance on the loss," the visor noticed.

A representative of Daily Mirror joined the positive reviews of colleagues, stressing that the Duck had a "brilliant and sincere romantic comedy, giving warmth and fun, which is ideal for the Christmas Eve of the House." Also criticism praised a film for "bright mood", excellent aesthetics and inexhaustible sincerity. It seems to look and truth stands.

The Russian premiere of the "Happy Season" is scheduled for January 14, 2021.

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