Touching: Robert Pattinson sent gifts to young fan "Batman", suffering from autism


As you know, many Russian and foreign stars earned a whole condition on their image. And the money brings not only internal freedom and sense of satisfaction, but also the opportunity to fulfill the dreams of others. Not left aside and actor Robert Pattinson. Currently, he is preparing for the role of Batman in the film of the same name, the release of which is planned in 2022. Obviously, excellent acting data allowed Robert to actually get into the role, because he became a real superhero for one child.

James, a 10-year-old boy suffering from an autistic spectrum, is a big hero fan in a raincoat and mask. As his mother tells, James is ready to watch movies about Batman's hours and never bother him. The main dream of the guy was to meet with her idol. So, he even visited, but the meeting did not take place.

The baby did not lower his arms and decided to give his hero the drawing, which drew himself. James portrayed the superhero emblem and wrote: "Everything that is good in my life," makes my mom. " Then the parents of the boy posted a photo of a son in a superhero costume and with a drawing in her hands. They appealed to subscribers with a request to transfer this message to Robert.

Employees of Radio City made a twist of tweet, which has seen thousands of people, including the Pattinson team. The actor imbued with this story and sent James a few gifts and a personal autograph with a note, which reads: "James. Sorry that I missed it. Your drawing is wonderful. See you the next time I will be in Liverpool. "

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