Chloe Kardashian against Peta


The reason for such a seemingly illogical act became the recent incident that occurred with the sister Chloe - Kim Cardachihan. The girl who threw the "flour bomb," in her, turned out to be an agreed protector of the rights of animals and the activist Peta Christina Cho.

Chloe, which was previously shot for PETA naked with a call: "Fur? I will better walk naked, "now says:" I will not wear fur, but I don't support PET anymore. "

"Hello," Chloe writes on his site. - I'm sure you all heard about what happened with Kim last week (Thank you so much for the support and love you had it), and I just found out that a woman who did it closely connected with PETA, despite the fact that PETA publicly refutes it. Not only is PETA officially lying, so it also encourages such behavior. I was an awesome supporter PETA for a long time, but I also support the fight against injury, so that this situation turned out to be a big disappointment for me. As you know, I do not justify violence and intimidation, but what happened last Thursday exactly and is. I am completely disgusting their behavior. Everyone has the right to own beliefs and its opinion. Personally, I do not wear fur, but this does not mean that I will begin to change the views of all others, especially with the help of violent methods. I am very proud of my sister, because she came out of that situation the winner. She led himself in order and returned for a few minutes. Keep it up, kimmy! We all need to continue to adhere to what we believe. I will not always wear fur, but I will not support Peta anymore. Beating and insults will never come out of the situation, and I will never support any organization that thinks otherwise. "

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