"Merry for the sake of": Jamie Dananon from "50 shades of gray" decided to tie with alcohol


38-year-old Jamie Dannan talked with a friend of Yves Hewson, the daughter of singer Bono, as part of a special interview for Wonderland Magazine magazine. In conversation, he first declared that he decided to completely exclude alcohol from life at least for a while.

"I decided not to drink until the end of the year. I have the fifth day now, but I try not only for the sake of fun, "Jamie said. According to him, so he wants to express support to the wife of Amelia Warner, which does not fundamentally use alcohol. Dornan decided to experiment during self-insulation and carried away by him, putting a new task - to hold out until January.

Jamie and Amelia - Parents of Seven-year-old Dali, four-year-old Elva and one and a half ELBERT.

Recall, last year the actor spoke about the abuse of alcohol in his youth, when he fought with depression and turned to the spirits after the tragic death of the mother and four friends for one year. When Jamie was 16 years old, his mother died from the pancreatic cancer, and a year later his good acquaintances were crashed in terrible autoavaria. Then he threw his studies and began drinking every day. The fact that he has depressed, Dornan directly pointed out one of the interviews. Only after that the actor decided to seek help from specialists.

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