Jamie Danan said to what household inconveniences led the role of a serial killer


Jamie Dornan became famous for Kristian Gray in the amazing ero-sado-shielding of the novel "50 shades of gray" and two subsequent sequels as a performer of the main thing - if you like, the dominant role. Much less, Jamie's work was received in the TV series, which can be translated by various terms - "collapse", "drop", "abyss" and other variations of the multifaceted word "Fail".

Meanwhile, the series The Fall has resiston several seasons and continued for three years. Dornan played a terrible maniac, sophisticated and ruthless murderer of the spectrum. One of the memorable attributes of the serial antihero became a sweatshirt with a bulk hood. The murderer went to search for the victim in this warm and convenient for disguise the outfit. Indeed, to explore the face of a person in a sweatshirt, it is necessary to be almost the earth - the character Dornan laid his victims under the ground and had avoided retaliation for a long time.

On the American TV show with Kelly Ripa and Ryan Siclt, the actor said that the sweatshirt acquired the value of the maniac attribute for him and the effect continues after the filming of The Fall: "This character, the floor Spector, was so terrible that any sweatshirt seems belonging to him. I have such things in the wardrobe, I even try to wear them - but it's worth saying to someone "you look at the floor of the spectrum," as I drop the hood and the sweatshirt itself and we have something else! "

Danan spoke about this with a laugh, but even the role in the "50 shades" trilogy was not affected by his personal life - even with respect to one model of clothing.

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