Vanity Fair: Jamie Danan spoke about tedious Hollywood parties


In an interview with the Variety, a 38-year-old actor, known thanks to the role of fifty-shades in the franchise, frankly spoke about his attitude to Hollywood party. Jamie admitted that there are pathos and luxury from this world. Together with his wife Amelia Warner and three young daughters, he lives in the countryside, where there is an opportunity to start a lot of pets. "We have a horse, five chickens, three goats, a dog and a cat," the role of Christian Gray said during the conversation.

Vanity Fair: Jamie Danan spoke about tedious Hollywood parties 142915_1

According to the actor, he was not used to the star lifestyle. Danann still uncomfortable feels at parties, where you need to be the center of attention or lead secular conversations with unfamiliar people. "I think, in Hollywood, many have to pretend," Jamie said in an interview. - This is a vanity fair, a show in which everyone seeks to show the improved version of itself. You strive to please everyone, and it is pretty tiring. "

Now Jamie prefers to be filmed in a non-profit copyright movie. However, he also shared his opinion about the franchise "fifty shades ...", which made him popular. "I want to play as much diverse role as possible. Agreeing to shoot in the franchise, I knew that the cash charges would be high, and critics were low, "the actor told.

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