Pepper Potts will receive a superhero-free suit in "Avengers 4"


Back in 2017, snapshots from the set of "Avengers 4" appeared on the network, on which Gwyneth Paltrow was captured in a special suit for capturing movements. Already then the fans suggested that in the future, the heroine film can try on an iron suit. Later on The Late Show, Paltrow said that in the film will participate in battles.

Now the network has leaked a picture of the toy line from Hero Vision. In addition to Torah, Racota-rocket, Captain America and Iron man in new costumes, there is another character in the picture. Internet users suggested that this Pepper Pepper is in the rescue armor - in the photo on the right below, next to the recognizable bright red figure of the Iron man:

It is quite possible, since Potts has already experienced a gesture costume in the third part of the Iron Man, and also became a superhero as a savior in comics, where Tony gathered her protective armor for rescue operations.

Pepper Potts will receive a superhero-free suit in

How truthful to guess fans will become clear on May 2, 2019, when the long-awaited "Avengers 4" finally start in cinemas.

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