Saved Pravda Feliciti Jones: To be a real feminist, you need to meet with a feminist man


In July 2018, Feliciti married a 46-year-old director Charles Guard and in an interview with Marie Claire emphasized how it is important for her that her spouse believes in equal rights of men and women - thanks to this, the actress thinks that it is entitled to call himself a feminist.

"I believe that being a feminist does not mean everyone to do alone; Affiliate relations, the ability to share and divide with someone - it makes life much easier. But you definitely need to be on one side. You need to be with a man who is also a feminist. "

Also, a 35-year-old actress believes that "ambitious women" it's time to stop "screaming" to be heard in the workplace - and the fault for this need to "shout" Feliciti laid on men who are afraid of influential and powerful women.

"It seems to me that we are driven into some kind of frames - for example, this idea that if you are a" ambitious woman ", you need to be tough and angry so that you heard. I do not like this attitude. It seems to me that this is the task of our generation - to challenge this idea that in order for you to hear that your opinion is perceived, you need to be afraid. "

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