Brian Cranston will return in the full-length sequel "in all grave"


According to the report of the Revenge of the Fans, the future film will be called "Greenbrier", which is also the name of the city in West Virginia. The film will focus on the history of forever falling into the pollock Jesse Pinkman in the performance of Aaron Paul. The most exciting question for fans was the cast, and, to the surprise of many, in the continuation will be returned by Jesse Plems (Todd), Jonathan Banks (Mike), Charles Baker (skinny pit), as well as Kristen Ritter (Jane) and Brian Cranston (Walter White ).

Last year, Dan Patricks Cranston said that he would love to return to his popular image, if he was given this opportunity. "If Vince Gilligan will ask me to do this, I agree without a doubt. He is a genius. Some storylines in the series remained open, and the audience had long wanted to see their completion. I can't wait to see my colleagues again, even if I bring only a guest, "the actor shared his thoughts.

Writer, executive producer and, perhaps, the director will perform Vince Gilligan. Start shooting creators are planning this month in New Mexico, but other details remain unknown yet.

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