This is karma: Father Megan Marcle met Christmas in full solitude


Marcle did not talk to Megan since the wedding day, which was not even invited. All because he communicated with journalists for several months, despite the requests of the daughter to refrain from any comments. Recently, the Summer Sister of the Duchess of Samanta Grant sent the Christmas card, which persistently asked to spend a holiday with his family. Megan's requests did not return the sister and met Christmas with Prince Harry. However, the grant itself did not consider it necessary to visit the father for the weekend and left that one in his house in Mexico. According to Daily Mail, Thomas planned for Christmas to distribute gifts to children from poor families on the border of Mexico and the United States. Whether he made plans to life - unknown.

But Mother Megan Doria Ragland celebrated the holiday along with his daughter and royal family. Elizabeth II made an exception for a woman from the rules and invited it in Sandringem, although even native Kate Middleton did not receive such honor. According to rumors, such a decision of the queen adopted that Megan, who, besides the mother there are no more close relatives, did not feel lonely.

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