Megan Plant was already determined where the firstborn will be given


Tabloid Newidea reports the Duchess Sussekskaya will give birth to the firstborn in the hospital of St. Mary, where there are already several generations of the monarch of the family. At the disposal of Megan's hospital will provide a whole wing. It is reported that the cost of one night in a separate VIP-chamber will be 8,000 pounds of sterling (670 thousand rubles). In the same chamber, all children Kate and William appeared to the world, as well as the Prince Harry himself. Marcle also decided on the team of doctors and assistants, whom the hospital will provide her at personal disposal. In total, the team has about 20 people: 2 obstetrician-gynecologist, 3 nurses, 3 anesthesiologist, 4 surgeons, 2 children's resuscitative, 4 pediatricians and a laboratory manner. Still not reported, a boy or girl will be born from Harry and Megan, but earlier the prince said that he would like to be a girl's father.

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