Video: Will Smith reads rap on David Letterman's show


Of course, the music was not limited to music. Will also told David about his family. The actor admitted that to educate adolescent children is not the lungs. According to Smith, all his attention is now riveted to the daughter Willow: "90 percent focused on Willow. A 14-year-old girl takes all your attention. You know, we have three times a week comes the end of the world. And every week in my house Independence Day 14-year-old girls. "

Smith admitted that he was very afraid to disappoint daughter. He remembered how one day I forgot to close the entrance door, and one of the favorite cats Willow disappeared. "She was very upset," the actor said. "She looked at me with her eyes full of tears, and said:" I can't believe that you didn't believe yourself so irresponsible! "Nothing breaks the heart of a man in part, as a dismissive mock 14-year-old. Girls. She was absolutely right, so I called his wife Jade and asked what to do. And then, when I talked, I entered Willow. For her it was already too, and she screamed: "The smaller you could do, it See! "Fortunately, we found a cat. She was in the house."

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