Video: Justin Timberlake is poured with water for good


Charitable foundations have long understood that the best way to attract people to their activities is to come up with some funny action. The ALS organization focused on a very serious disease of the central nervous system called lateral amyotrophic sclerosis. In order to collect the funds necessary for the Fund, ALS launched the share of Als Ice Bucket Challenge. The participant of the action should either donate some amount of the Fund, or to shoot on video, as it is damped with cold water from the bucket. After performing one of the conditions, the participant transmits the relay to someone from his friends. Somehow in this charitable chain was Justin Timberlake. "We nominate Jimmy Fallon and the Roots group," said Justin relay. "You have 24 hours to donate $ 100 or donate icy water. (Or both. We have completed both conditions, and then have made another donation from above. . This is such a decent reason). "

Jimmy Fallon did not hesitate with the answer and right during the show poured the water bucket and donated the money to the Fund. In addition, it turned out that in addition to Justin, the challenge was thrown by three more participants in the action. In turn, Jimmy handed over the relay of the New York Jets football team.

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