"It is worth remembering about the age": Cosmetologist suspected Pugachev in plastic passion


The youth of the People's Artist of the USSR Alla Pugacheva always hit her fans. Time is coming, and the performer of the "Million Alich Rose" does not age, and in recent years it seems that Primaudonna and turned the time to reverse.

Fans understand that in 71 years old have a daily appearance and a fresh appearance without any effort is simply impossible. Of course, Alla Borisovna has already enjoyed the services of plastic surgeons, but several years ago reported to journalists of the Komsomolskaya Pravda, that the doctors banned her to continue to resort to such serious interventions. The cause of steel diabetes, which Pugacheva suffers, heart problems and its addiction to smoking.

Then the celebrity wanted to make a facial correction. "I will have to grow beautifully to me," the singer concluded, having heard the refusal from the doctors. But now the network users suspect that Maxim Galkin's spouse still decided on cardinal measures. The contour of her face looks too tight. The appearance of the appearance of Pugacheva gave the cosmetologist of March Orlov, which is the expert "KP".

She noted that the singer really looks amazing. "Due to numerous plastic operations made for life, the specialist explains. - This is, among other things, the face lift, and blepharoplasty (plastic of the eyelids). And in recent times, the singer, apparently, uses a combination of fillers and threads to restore the volume of cheekbones, lips, the formation of a fashionable sharp chin. "

Orlova made the emphasis on the fact that the maintenance of the youth person requires huge funds. And, according to the cosmetologist, they were spent with interest. "Outlessly numerous procedures" called Orlov, everything that did with Pugachev's appearance in his life, but emphasized: "It is worth remembering her age and understand that in such years so young people are capable of looking."

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