Justin Bieber forced pilots to wear oxygen masks


Justin, his father and still a dozen singer's friends made a flight from Canada to the United States on a luxurious rented aircraft Gulfstream IV. During the trip, the company decided to have fun and relax with marijuana. The captain warned noisy passengers several times that such behavior is unacceptable aboard, but all his words were ignored. Stewardess so scared the rude appeal and jokes from Justin and his friends, that she spent almost the entire flight in the pilot's cabin. In the official report on the incident, it is said that the girl complained about the oral insults from the Bieber and his father and will not be more accompanying them in flight. Due to the concentration of smoke from marijuana, the pilots had to wear oxygen masks to be able to control the aircraft. In addition, according to the results of the mandatory drug test, pilots could lose their licenses, although they did not use anything forbidden.

In an interview with Justin admitted that he used on board drugs and alcohol, but did not have a large number of prohibited substances with him. According to the results of the search with dogs, drugs were also not discovered. However, as reported, the police found empty bags, where he had previously lying marijuana, but to prove that these things belong to Biber, there is no possibility. So far, no accusations of the singer in connection with this incident was nominated.

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