Rihanna in the magazine Fabulous. March 2011.


Initially, the journalist tried to ask Rihanna something about Chris Brown, to which the singer asked sharply: "Sorry?" When she repeated the question, she replied: "The next question. Obviously, you want to talk about Chris Brown. Me not".

About Competition: "I never focus on who or what is now in the top, because when people become better thanks to their work, they immediately attract attention.

And this is exactly who I want to be: an artist who is constantly improving and becomes more and better. This is not even so much about competition between Rihanna, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. For the most part, I'm talking about competing with myself. I always put myself tasks to make it better next time. No matter who is in the top until I approach this point. That's all that worries me. "

About how to be a sex symbol : "Every time I hear something like this, then this is a masterful pride, but at the same time gives discomfort. This is not what is a priority in my list - to be a sex symbol or be overly sexy. I'm just a normal woman. I really do not focus on being a sex symbol. "

About red hair: "I think it was ready for something new, bright and expressive. This is really an adventure. I wanted to have fun, well, you know. I did not want a natural hair color. I was a blonde and it's so boring. Black is still my favorite, but I was looking for a color, about which you could say "burning". I think that just turned out to be in the right place at the right time. It was a spontaneous deed, but at the same time I wanted something extreme. I could not paint green, purple or pink, and the red is just a kind of face between normality and extreme. "

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