Rihanna about the relationship with his father


"I really wonder who I am for my father. In the sense that I mean for him?, "Says Rihanna. - It's really strange. This is perhaps the only word I can describe it, because you grow up with your father, you know him, you are part of it, in the end! And then he does something completely abnormal, which I personally is very difficult to explain myself. You hear terrible stories about how people speak behind the backs of other people and make strange things, but you always think: "This is not my family. My father would never do this. "

The father of the singer repeatedly betrayed it. After Chris Brown beat Rihanna, journalists were offered to pay Fentsi (Father) so that he would share his impressions. "Then it happened for the first time. My father went to the press and spent them a bunch of lies. And he did not talk to me after ... all this. He never called me to find out like me, if I was alive ... nothing. He just no longer called. He went straight to journalists and received his check. And now he does it again. "

After the whole Rihanna occurred and does not try to establish relations with his father: "Now I think:" No matter. I tried!"

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