"Captain America" ​​Chris Evans spoke about his complexes in Rolling Stone


In an interview with Rolling Stone, Evans admitted that the noise accompanying the Marvel multi-billion dollar franchise, he was tired of orderly - and begins to act on the nerves. The Red Track of the CEP generally compares with the battlefield (and the loser side of the loser side).

"A red walkway lasts, it seems, 30 minutes maximum. But for me, it is as if half an hour walking around the hot coals, "the actor told. "This is not a press conference - there you just sit in the room, and you will lead to journalists. I could do this all day. But the premiere is suppressing. Suppresses the scale itself - because you are in the center of all this. You can fight the whole army if you are suitable for one. But if you were surrounded, you are in the ass. "

Not only the premieres deliver Chris Evans of torment, but also an interview:

"I thought with horror that I had to communicate with the press, since January. It's great to discuss my work with people who are interested in - but I always nervous when I hear stupid questions about stupid things, but I have to pretend that I am interested. This is part of the work, I must "sell" the film. But this is a disgusting feeling. It makes me unsure. "

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