Angelina Jolie: "Suit Males frightened my son to tears"


In an interview with the journal Entertainment Weekly, Jolie told that only her five-year-old daughter Vivien was not frightened by the image of Masseft. That is why it performed in the film the role of young princess Aurora. "It's great that children join us on the set and removed in episodic roles," said Angie. - But this does not mean that we are trying to make actors from them. We do not have such a goal. Just all the other 3-4-year-old applicants for a role even close to me could not come up. I needed a child who would not be afraid of me, my horns, eyes and claws. So I had to call Viv. "

However, not all children of Angelins turned out to be the same brave. Seven-year-old Pax just burst into tears when I saw my mother in the image: "When Pax saw me for the first time, he ran in horror. I thought he was joking, so it began to portray, as if he was pursuing him ... until he found that he was actually crying. I had to get rid of some pieces of makeup right with it to show that all this is not real. "

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