"From Dior in the eyes of Ryabit": 45-year-old Rudkovskaya criticized the stroller for half a million rubles


The 45-year-old Yana Rudkovskaya accused of creating an excitement around the appearance of her second heir from Eugene Plushenko's figure. The couple does not hide that the kid gave birth to a surrogate mother. Arsenia is not two weeks, but the producer is already actively divided by family personnel in his microblogging, which caused a flurry of criticism from the Heater. The reason for this was the recent Publication of Yana, where she was captured with a wheelchair from Dior. As reported by the edition of Riafan.ru, the cost of the cradle comes to half a million rubles. Seeing the publication, the subscribers immediately thought that Rudkovskaya stroller was provided for advertising in her Instagram account. The star was also accused of doing business on a child.

"Another one is for advertising," the evil spirits were shared.

"From Dior in the eyes of Ryabit," the others wrote.

The producer did not disregard the criticism, responding to her hard form.

"Where this world rolls, I don't know, but I definitely won't be like them," the star quotes the edition of 7days.ru.

By the way, some Folloviers still appreciated the autumn frames of Jana, where she was captured along with their heirs - Arsenia and Alexander. In the pictures of the "carousels", Mom and her eldest son admire the fallen leaves in the pond while the baby sleeps in the cradle.

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